Wednesday, 15 August 2012


She's more than woman
But sometimes she forgets
Let's call her empress, goddess
Silent conqueror of all conquests.
She forgets her stride suggests and merge in the land where beauty rests
Where femininity and the intuitive fest
She's more than woman
And though history can attest
Very often she forgets.

She's more than just woman
But often he won't admit
She silences his cries through the comfort she provides
Be it from her soothing embrace, the warmth in her eyes
To the wetness that lies right between her thighs.
Still she holds him till he comes to realize the essence she emits
She's more than woman
But very rarely he admits.

So much more than just woman words could never describe
And with Biblical verses inscribed long before all she's done
She outruns the songs of Proverbs thirty-one.
She's deemed mere definitions latent
Blatantly rendering adjectives understatements.
She is more than woman
The virtual builder of each palace, castle and home
Sole constructor of its throne
Yet humbled not to occupy but beside it stand alone
The satisfaction gained remains her own.
Her patience often mistaken for complacence
Even so she adorns its fragrance and for it she is known.

She is more than woman
Incomparable in her ways
Desirable in her gaze
Models and vixens abide the pace her grace has made
And the timelessness of her remains unfazed.
She is more than woman
When the world's asleep her cape stays worn
So I prefix her with super
I call her Superwoman.