Monday, 21 November 2011


Hidden beneath layers of artificial coating
She's obsessed with style over substance
Insists on masking her inward with outward clothing
Real recognise real,
Her insecurities won't allow her to comprehend how that feels
Stepping as uncomfortably through her life as she does in those ridiculously high heels
Excessive make up is an unsuccessful disguise
Its clear to the world, her self-dissatisfaction is etched in her eyes
There's no mystery to her so the world stares in silence
Reading her efforts that scream louder than ambulance sirens
Sirens, just like her, forgotten as quickly as they disappear
She has no place, she's neither here nor there.
"Real eyes realize real lies" so it all remain oblivious to her.
Desperate not to be the one on the outside looking in
She finds her pleasure walking in another's skin
She feeds on flattery,
Subtle mockery cooked with gullible words dished out on a silver plate
Constantly fishing for compliments
Her industry manufactured exterior serves as bait
Hauling in fake friends that too dwell on optics
Attracting weak men selling romantic antics
She buys into as easily as she does her cosmetics.
Though the lust-filled species she beds seem to pile up in a heap
Words won't be permitted to label her as cheap
She's merely fallen victim to her unrelenting infatuation with the physical Soliciting affection from another that she's denied herself.
But orgasms last longer than love with the superficial.
Who's to tell her beauty should fade, not expire?
Strip her oustides away and there's nothing left to admire.